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For Patients

We're hoping you'll find the following resources helpful on your road to recovery and for injury prevention. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook for weekly Empower tips!

Mountainous Landscape

Dynamic Stretches

Dynamic stretching involves active movement of a muscle group through its entire range of motion.  The movement brings forth a stretch but it is not held in the end position.  You may focus on many different muscle groups at once.  It is used to warm up and gradually stretch muscles.  Do this during warm up and cool down.

  • increase blood flow

  • increase ROM

  • increase awareness of joint position

  • improve athletic performance

Dynamic Stretches for Golf

Static Stretches

Static stretching involves lengthening a muscle by holding it at the end position for any given amount of time.  It focusses on one muscle group at a time.  The purpose is to regain normal muscle length and improve joint range of motion.

  • At the end of your cool down after a sport or activity

  • Hold 15 to 30 seconds, repeat 2-3 times on each side

  • Feel a gentle stretch in the muscle

  • At least 2-3 times per week

  • Push into any pain

  • Bounce during a static stretch

  • Hyperextend (over straighten) or hyperflex (overbend) your joints

  • Hold your breath

Person stretching hamstrings on the floor

Spine Stretches

Person doing neck upper trapezius stretch.
Person doing neck scalene stretch.
Person doing neck levator scapular stretch.
Person doing sitting rotation stretch.
Person doing upper back rhomboid stretch.
Person doing single knee to chest low back stretch.
Person doing double knee to chest low back stretch.
Person doing low back rotation stretch.
Person doing figure 4 piriformis buttock stretch lying down.
Person doing seated figure 4 piriformis buttock stretch.

Upper Body Stretches

Person doing a pec stretch.
Person doing a bilateral pec stretch.
Person doing a posterior capsule shoulder stretch.
Person doing a triceps stretch.
Person doing a biceps stretch.
Person stretching forearm flexors in prayer stretch
Person stretching forearm flexors.
Person stretching forearm extensors.

Lower Body Stretches

Person doing a hip flexor stretch in stand
Person doing a hip flexor stretch in kneeling
Person stretching adductors in sitting
Person doing a butterfly stretch for adductors in supine
Person stretching hamstring muscle in supine
Person stretching hamstring muscle in supine with band
Person stretching hamstring muscle in long sitting
Person stretching hamstring muscle
Person stretching quadriceps muscle
Person stretching quadriceps muscle on chair
Person stretching anterior tibialis muscle in kneeling
Person stretching anterior tibialis muscle in kneeling position with pillow
Person stretching soleus muscle
Person stretching gastrocnemius muscle off step
Person stretching soleus muscle in stand.
Person stretching soleus muscle off a step.
Person stretching gastrocnemius muscle in stand
Person stretching soleus muscle in stand
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