Custom Splinting
Custom splinting is an integral part of the rehabilitation process and requires the skill set of an experienced therapist. Splints are used to protect the hand following surgery to repair a tendon or nerve, during fracture or wound healing, to rest injured tissues, or to prevent a deformity during the healing process. Occasionally, this can be accomplished through the use of “off the shelf” or prefabricated braces. Frequently however, such braces do not fit properly and may be uncomfortable or they may immobilize areas that need to be free to move. Custom splints are fabricated from a thermoplastic material that can be heated, cut, and molded to the client. The splint can be designed to immobilize only the structure that needs to be protected, while allowing adjacent joints to remain free. This means undue stiffness and swelling can be avoided to maximize function within the splint.Custom splinting can also be used to regain range of motion following a hand injury or disability. The correct design and fabrication depends on the skill set and creativity of the therapist. The therapist fabricating the splint should be knowledgeable in upper extremity anatomy and have excellent clinical reasoning skills, or the ability to apply knowledge and expertise in order to develop a solution. Periodic adjustments may be needed to help increase the benefits of the original splint. At Empower Physiotherapy, custom splints are designed by the therapist to meet the needs of an individual client based on a particular diagnosis. Clients will receive specific instructions on wearing schedule, splint care, how to apply and remove the splint correctly, and any home exercises that will enhance your end result.
Boutonnière Deformity
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
de Quervain's Tenosynovitis
Dupuytren's Contracture
Flexion Contractures
FracturesLigament Sprains/Instabilities
Mallet Finger
Post Surgical Tendon Repair
Repetitive Strain Injury
Swan Neck Deformity Trigger Finger
Splinting Fee
Splint prices vary depending on the type and size of splint. Most extended health care insurance providers provide a portion or full reimbursement for custom splinting that is separate than physiotherapy coverage. Please contact your individual insurance provider for details.
Angie, Linda & Maritess are all Certified Hand Therapists and offer custom splinting services.