Pelvic Health
Pelvic health physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of various conditions and issues relating to the pelvic floor and surrounding pelvic girdle area. The pelvic floor is a hammock of muscles that attach from your pubic bone to the tail bone (front to back) and sit bones (side to side). They act as a trampoline and are important for bowel and bladder control, pelvic organ support, inner core stability, and sexual function.
Trained pelvic floor physiotherapists perform a detailed assessment to determine the cause of your pelvic floor dysfunction. For a more thorough assessment, an internal vaginal or rectal examination may be indicated with your consent. Based on the findings, each client will receive a personalized treatment plan that may include education with visual aids, exercises, manual therapy, activity modification, and relaxation practices. You will be empowered to take control of your pelvic floor and all its functions.
Common Conditions Treated:
Bladder Control
Urinary Incontinence (stress, urge, mixed)
Urinary Dysfunction (frequency, urgency, incomplete emptying)
Bowel Control
Fecal Incontinence
Abdominal Muscle Separation - Diastasis Rectus Abdominus (DRA)
Pelvic Pain
Low back and pelvic girdle pain
Vaginal/vulvar pain
Coccydynia (tailbone) pain
Menstrual pain
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Sexual Dysfunction
Painful intercourse (Dyspareunia)
Pre & Post Prostatectomy
Prenatal & Postpartum
We want you to have only the best in quality physiotherapy care so we've collaborated with Ji-Seon Kim at Soul Physiotherapy 604-303-0369. She has the most experience and knowledge in this specialized area of physiotherapy in Richmond, BC.
Ji-Seon Kim, BScPT
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist for Women's & Men's Health
Member of CPA (Canadian Physiotherapy Association)
Member of PABC (Physiotherapist Association of BC)Pilates training through the Physicalmind Institute Canada
ISM (Integrated System’s Model) practitioner
Hypopressive technique practioner (Level III: awaiting to take the certification exam)
Visceral Manipulation
Teaching assistant in Visceral Manipulation course through Barral Institute
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) Neuromeningeal Manipulation